We have two contracts with the State of Missouri to provide similar services to people with disabilities and other Medicaid recipients.
Comfort of Home Healthcare provides services for people with disabilities through the State of Missouri’s Department of Mental Health (DMH), Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), and Bureau of Special Healthcare Needs. In addition to that, Comfort of Home Healthcare offers in-home care services.

These services are initiated through the respected department but includes services such as: (but not limited to)
- Home and Community Based Services; (DHSS) a Medicaid program that helps with Activities of Daily Living and Personal Care.
- Individual Supported Living or ISL; residential placement in a non institutional setting.
- Supported Employment
- Respite Care; short term or temporary care of a few hours or weeks to provide relief or respite, to the regular caregiver, usually a family member.
These Medicaid programs and waivers will get very confusing to someone who is looking for care. Please do not hesitate to call us and we can point you in the right direction on where to initiate these services.